To schedule an appointment for your preferred treatment please visit our website and book online or txt / call: 0447 443 382.

We suggest that you book in advance to secure your appointment.


Gift certificates up to any value or for any treatment are available to be purchased over the phone, email, or in the salon.


We offer bath wraps, bathrobes, and slippers for every guest. We require you to fill out a consultation card at your first appointment.

Please let us know of any medical conditions including pregnancy or any recent cosmetic or facial treatment.


Please arrive 5 minutes before your appointment to allow adequate time to for your consultation and comfortably settle in.


We don't charge cancellation fees however please respect your therapist and other clientele seeking an appointment and let us know without delay. Send a text or call on 0447 443 382, or if you would like to change / cancel.


Treatments are designed to be co-ordinated to simplify your pampering rituals. To discuss booking multiple services together please text/call 02 8328 0737 or email


Please remember to bring open toe footwear when having a pedicure treatment to allow a substantial length of time for the polish to dry. We have a range of flip flops available to purchase in the salon.

What do peptides do for your skin?

Peptides are messages made from chains of amino acids and signal your skin to make more collagen. They are very effective in improving the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and gives the skin an overall youthful appearance. You will start to see results in 4 - 12 weeks and the results get better and better the longer you use them. I am in love with Dr Spiller Aloe Cleansing milk and Gel which are are used in our facial treatments and available to shop in the salon.

What does Vitamin C do?

Vitamin C has a vital role in maintaining the health of your skin. It is key to the production of collagen, which aids in the growth of cells and blood vessels and gives skin its firmness and strength. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that protects our skin against free radical damage and repels the effects of ageing.

Dermalogica Multivitamin Power Recovery Masque from the AGE smart range is an ultra-replenishing masque containing Vitamin A, C and E to help rejuvenate skin.

How do I use Vitamin A?

Vitamin A is most beneficial when used daily. If your skin can not tolerate it, you won’t be able to use it as often and truly benefit. All forms of Vitamin A convert to Retinoid acid once it reaches the cell and have the same action, however some Vitamin A products are too strong and cause inflammation. The more Vitamin A your skin can receive, the healthier your skin will be.

PURITY VITAMIN A NIGHT LOTION by Aliange Skincare is a beautiful, light and hydrating night lotion. Available to shop in salon $90